Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Narrative Strands in Cuffs

Throughout the first episode of Cuffs there are a few narrative strands (or different stories) running through the story.

How many can you think of?

      An example would be Jake Vickers' first day as a police officer and his working relationship with Ryan Draper.

      ACTIVITY 1: Make a list of all of the narrative strands that you can think of. (The following character list might help...)

PC Jake Vickers
PC Ryan Draper
DS Jo Moffat
DC Carl Hawkins
DI Felix Kane
Chief Supt. Robert Vickers
Simon Reddington
Keegan Benson
James Quirk
Mohammad Bangash
For more characters in this episode, visit Imdb Cuffs Characters List (Episode 1)

ACTIVITY 2: Explain why you think there are so many narrative strands.
  • Which are the most important?
  • Which are the minor stories?
  • Why do you think a new narrative strand is introduced before an old one has been resolved?

Analysing the montage
Towards the end of the first episode there is a montage scene, playing the song 'Youth' by Daughter whilst a number of narrative strands are shown.
ACTIVITY 3: Analyse this scene, commenting on:
  • the use of camera angles and editing
  • the effect of sound
  • the narrative strands
  • the overall effect on the audience
You will need to choose and print off at least three screengrabs and then write 100-200 words about the overall effect of this scene.

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