Monday, June 3, 2019

Little Mix - Black Magic

You could be asked to write about the media language, audience or representation for the music videos.

Task One:

Choose any camera angle and explain why it has been used. 
For example: The establishing shot is of a school building to allow the viewer to know that this is set in a school. This will appeal to a younger audience who may still be at school. The building seems to be an American style school, which will appeal to American fans but might also seem exotic to a British audience.

Task Two:

Comment on the mise-en-scene choices.
For example: At the start of the video, the girls from the band are wearing glasses and have their hair tied up. This is to inform the audience that they are geeky, or hard-working unpopular pupils. A stereotype has been created by using conventions associated with geeks.

Task Three:

Suggest who this video is aimed at with reasons to support your answer.
For example: This video is set in a school and so therefore would appeal to young people who attend school. The band are all girls so therefore...

(Try to come up with as many reasons as you can to suggest who the audience might be)

Task Four:
How are the following groups represented in the video? Give reasons to support your answer.
Note: These might be complex and there may not always be one answer...

  • girls (e.g. their appearance matters... This becomes apparent when the girls are given more attention after their appearance changes...)
  • boys (e.g. are easily controlled by women/are strong and independent/can be whatever they want to be...)
  • popular and attractive teenagers
  • unpopular and geeky-looking teenagers
  • teachers
  • disabled people
  • overweight people
  • people from ethnic minorities (non-white)

Task Five: 
Answer the following exam style question:

Explain how and why music videos use particular representations. Refer to the music videos you have studied in your answer. [10]

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